A bit about us
2014 The beginning, the falls, the injuries
As I watched my grandparents age quickly over recent years they began to struggle to move around their house. They refused to have grab rails installed because of the stigma attached with the stale hospital looking rails. My grandpa had a minor stroke during this time and could no longer hold his balance and was moved into aged care. It was a gloomy time and I didn't know how I could really help. Inspired by two nurses, my late partner Breanna and my Nan, I went searching.
2016 Getting started
Providing the helping hand, with dignity
While working as a Product Design Engineer I was approached by an Occupational Therapist friend who spoke of the requests from her clients for more attractive home care products. From there in my parents unused dairy shed Avail began with the redesign of the grab rail to modernize their style, ergonomics an installation. We collaborated with a range of healthcare professionals, builders and one of Australia’s leading universities to ensure we would provide world class accessible products and solutions.
Avail Design, safer bathrooms in style
Our styles are carefully selected to suit leading home design trends. We help a wide range of customers including home owners, architects, occupational therapists and developers and over 500 trade partners. We have collaborated with innovative companies like Nero Tapware in 2023 so we can now provide a market leading warranty along with a huge range of the most popular tapware and accessories. Our design focus is to provide customers with ergonomic products they want to have in their homes and public spaces, to prevent injury. Dave Sayers, founder.