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Calibre Rails

Calibre Mecca 32mm Grab Rail Removable Wall Bracket Cap Chrome - NRCR0004CH

Regular price $33.00
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  • Calibre Mod 32 rails can be removed and replaced with this cap for more adaptable rooms
  • Suitable for Hotels, Accommodation, Aged Care and Private Homes
  • Material: ABS
  • Can be swapped out for quick upgrade to a grab rail without the need for a new fixture
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  • Calibre Mod 32 rails can be removed and replaced with this cap for more adaptable rooms
  • Suitable for Hotels, Accommodation, Aged Care and Private Homes
  • Material: ABS
  • Can be swapped out for quick upgrade to a grab rail without the need for a new fixture

Assembly and CAD

Installation Guide Calibre Mecca 32mm Grab Rail Cap
